ADHD Diagnosis... Types of Professionals Who Can Give You The Most Help...ADHD Diagnosis...
School-age and preschool children are often evaluated by a school psychologist or a team made up of the school psychologist and other specialists for an ADHD diagnosis.
But what if the school doesn't believe the student has a problem? Or what if the family wants another opinion.
The family may need to see a specialist in private practice.
In such cases, who can the family turn to? What kinds of specialists do they need?
Here's a table showing who's qualified to make an ADHD diagnosis...
Speciality Can Diagnose ADHD Can Prescribe Medications...
If Needed Provides Counseling Or Training Psychiatrists Yes Yes YesPsychologists Yes No Yes Pediatritions Of Family Physicians Yes Yes No Neurologists Yes Yes NoThe family can start by talking with the child's pediatrician or their family doctor to start the ADHD diagnosis.
Some pediatricians may do the assessment themselves, but more often they refer the family to an appropriate specialist they know and trust.
In addition, state and local agencies that serve families and children, as well as some of the volunteer organizations can help identify an appropriate specialist.
Knowing the differences in qualifications and services can help the family choose someone who can best meet their needs.
Besides school psychologists, there are several types of specialists qualified to diagnose and treat ADD ADHD.
Child psychiatrists are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating childhood mental and behavioral disorders.
A Psychiatrist:
Can provide therapy and prescribe any needed medications.
Are not medical doctors and must rely on the child's physician to do medical exams and prescribe medication. Child psychologists are also qualified to diagnose and treat ADHD. They can provide therapy for the child and help the family develop ways to deal with the disorder.
These are physicians who work with disorders of the brain and nervous system. They can also make an ADHD diagnosis and prescribe medicines.
But unlike psychiatrists and psychologists, neurologists usually do not provide therapy for the emotional aspects of the disorder.
Adults who think they may have AD ADHD can also seek a psychologist, psychiatrist, or neurologist.
But at present, not all specialists are skilled in making an ADHD diagnosis or treating ADD ADHD in adults.
Within each specialty, individual doctors and mental health professionals differ in their experience with ADD ADHD.
So in selecting a specialist, it's important to find someone with specific training and experience in diagnosing and treating the disorder.
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Rabu, 11 Juni 2008
ADHD Diagnosis
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